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CISA alert

CISA Urges Organizations Safeguard Now Against Possible Critical Cyber Threats

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Critical Cyber Threats - CISAYesterday, the Cybersecurity Infrastructure & Security Agency (CISA), the federal agency charged with protecting the nation’s cyber infrastructure, released a notice from the National Cyber Awareness System. Based on recent malicious cyber incidents in Ukraine, CISA urges organizations across all sectors and of any size to be on alert for malicious cyber activity. The agency also provided a checklist of actions to take immediately.

To reduce the likelihood of destructive cyber intrusions, CISA recommends that business leaders immediately:

  1. Institute multi-factor authentication
  2. Ensure that software is up to date
  3. Disable all ports and protocols that are not essential for business purposes
  4. Review and implement strong controls for cloud services
  5. Conduct vulnerability scanning

CISA also advises that organizations take the following steps to detect potential intrusions:

  1. Identify and assess unusual network behavior. Enable logging to investigate issues better.
  2. Protect networks with antivirus and antimalware software and that these tools are up to date.
  3. Closely monitor traffic and review access controls if dealing with Ukrainian organizations

Additional recommendations can be found at CISA Insights: Implement Cybersecurity Measures Now to Protect Against Potential Critical Threats.

If your organization requires assistance with implementing these and other cybersecurity initiatives, reach out to our security experts.


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