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How Data Recovery Solutions Protect Your Business

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Are you aware of what’s happening in your business at every moment in time? Unfortunately, hackers and malcontents don’t send postcards letting you know that they’re about to infiltrate your security systems. You may not realize that something disastrous has happened until it’s too late — and you have already lost access to data and possibly even your critical business systems. With robust data recovery solutions, your business is secure and protected at all times.

Benefits of Data Recovery Solutions

Today’s businesses are highly dependent on data: from websites to customer service, to shipping orders accurately and on time. Without access to our mission-critical data, the business quickly grinds to a halt. Whether the issue was caused by a disgruntled employee or accidental file deletion or even an electrical surge, data recovery solutions include a backup of important information and business systems, allowing you to spin up the digital side of your business again much more quickly than if you didn’t have a robust solution in place. Additional benefits of having a trusted data recovery solution in place include:

  • Fast and efficient recovery of critical files and business resources
  • Protect the reputation of your company should you experience an outage
  • Maintain employee productivity and the ability to generate revenue
  • Ensure that your competition doesn’t overtake your business while you’re in an extended recovery mode

A robust data recovery solution (BDS) is far more than a cloud-based backup, however. It is a mechanism that allows you to weather the unexpected storms of business and reduce the negative effects of unplanned downtime.

When Your Systems Fail

Bringing your business back online after a significant outage can take days or even weeks without a backup and data recovery solution in place. During this time you might lose clients, frustrate your vendors and lose the trust of your prospects if you’re unable to deliver on promises or requests. The cost of downtime is significant and difficult to measure as its a mix of expenses, lost productivity and the cost of lost business. Even overtime for your technology staff should be factored into the analysis of what it costs if your systems fail.

Unified Solutions for Complex Data

The data that are used to run today’s businesses are varied and complex and can be stored in a variety of different buckets or locations. A single weak point in your organization’s digital armor can be used as an entry point to infiltrate other systems and wreak havoc on your business. Everything from your Exchange Server to customer relationship management software and your website are vulnerable. Each of these data sets are often stored on separate servers, usually with unique file structures. The level of complexity that is introduced by attempting to create backups of all of this data are exceptional — not to mention the challenges presented by monitoring the health of each of your various systems.

Protection You Can Trust

When you work with a trusted backup and data recovery solutions partner, you can be assured that backups are granular, fast and efficient. You should have easy access to dashboards that show your data security and allow you to quickly compress and de-duplicate your files. Flat and highly structured data should be stored safely, and recovery should take only a few hours — not days. Th level of protection found in CoreBDR, the Coretelligent Backup and Data Recovery Solution, would be difficult to build within your business infrastructure, which is why it is so important to work with organizations that have deep experience in protecting various types of businesses.

Many organizations will experience an outage throughout their years in business. However, the businesses that are fully prepared with a robust backup and recovery solution in place are the ones who will be able to quickly regain a high level of operation. Contact the team at Coretelligent at 855-841-5888 or fill out our quick online contact form for more information. We partner with the best security teams in the business, including Veeam for encryption to protect your data whether it’s at rest or in transit

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