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DRaaS, Data Protection, and Cybersecurity for the Mid-Sized Business

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The rapidly growing demand for data means businesses must engage in greater protection methods to keep data safe. Mid-sized businesses are especially ripe targets for hackers, as they don’t have the data protection capability of large corporations, but they also have more resources available to take than the small business. A new era of cybersecurity calls for both current understanding and an idea of how to address future threats. Tools like disaster recovery as-a-service (DRaaS) will go a long way, but there’s plenty more than that to be done.

Data Protection Isn’t Complete Without DRaaS

A proper data protection plan requires disaster recovery, whether it’s done on premises or through DRaaS. Data protection plans work well to keep data safe, but what happens when that protection fails, either through the cleverness of criminals or resulting from a natural disaster so large your entire location is compromised?

That’s where DRaaS can step in and provide an extra layer of protection. If data is accessed and ruined by outside

sources or simply destroyed by flood, fire or similar, then DRaaS can provide a way to reestablish operations and bring them back to how they were before the disaster hit. Protecting data is a great start, but we must plan for what happens when that protection isn’t enough.

DRaaS and Backup: Your Pincer Maneuver Against Cybercriminals

Backup is one of the greatest weapons you can have against cybercriminals. It’s also a vital component of damage recovery.

Recovery times vary.

A typical DRaaS package, as part of its service-level agreement (SLA), will guarantee some points in particular. Especially important to watch for are recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO). RPO draws its information from the past—how far back before the incident would you like to be recovered to—while RTO is a focus on the present, the amount of time it will take to affect recovery.

Closely linked. 

Backup in itself is only a disaster recovery plan if you’re sufficiently small that you’re only concerned about files. When you’re concerned with server settings and specialist tools like certain apps, you need a deeper backup to get through. This calls for disaster recovery systems, which can provide just the level of backup you need.


Backup and disaster recovery work together to allow you to respond to the greatest number of disasters. While hackers and cybercriminals can be rebuffed with backed-up files located independently, natural disasters that take out a whole office may need stronger protections. Having both at once provides that protection.

The greatest measure: RTO. 

Every moment that you’re down from a disaster is a moment that does no small amount of damage. It’s not only direct loss of revenue, but it’s also a loss of face in the market, and opportunity for competitors to slip in and provide the service or goods you used to provide. Getting customers back is much tougher than getting customers, so knowing how much time remains until RTO kicks in and you’re recovered is vital to knowing which DRaaS provider to go with.

What DRaaS and Backup Protects Against

Using the two-pronged strategy helps provide the fullest protection.


One of the newest and potentially largest threats, ransomware uses malicious codeto seize control of your data and encrypt it under a key unknown to you. The key is ostensibly provided when you’ve paid the ransom, but not always. Since ransomware depends on seizing your data, if you have a fresh copy somewhere else not affected by ransomware, you can just get rid of the infected endpoint, provide the new endpoint with the backed-up files, and run as usual.

Natural disasters.

Backup also provides a useful protection against natural disasters, especially when used as part of DRaaS. Whereas a natural disaster might take out a building, backups allow its occupants to go to an unaffected building, get backed-up files, and carry on remotely. This is especially useful if you’re already using telecommuting— the infrastructure is likely in place — but can work for temporary bursts only.

Data loss.

Some criminals aren’t interested in money; some, like the Joker in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight,” famously opined, “just want to watch the world burn.” That can include your data. Some natural disasters don’t destroy a building, but rather just data; sudden electrical surges are sometimes enough to ruin data. No matter what cause of data loss hits, using backup systems and DRaaS can help put data back aright, whether it’s been locked up or plain destroyed.

DRaaS: Start the Ball Today

Businesses need to think ahead and start getting involved with DRaaS operations right now.


Think of DRaaS like you would think of any insurance plan. The time to have it is before you need it. Plus, it will encourage you to test systems ahead of time and spot where any flaws are, so when a disaster that requires DRaaS operations does come up, you’ll be ready.

Filling in the talent gaps.

This is another facet of disaster recovery that’s needed in advance. If your current IT department doesn’t have the necessary skills to handle disaster recovery, you’ll need to make preparations here. Whether you hire from the outside, provide training to current staff, use DRaaS services to let someone else’s expertise take over, or use a combination, you’ll be ready to go as long as you’re setting this up before the next disaster.

Getting Started With DRaaS

The world ahead is a dangerous one in terms of cybersecurity. While it’s flush with possibilities, these same possibilities also extend to criminals as well. Protecting your business is every bit as vital but much more complex than ever. Take the complexity out of the problem by getting in touch with us at Coretelligent. With business continuity and recovery management systems, we can help you weather any disaster, whether it’s caused by criminals or natural events. So just drop us a line, and help get your business ready to protect its data with disaster recovery systems.

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