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At Coretelligent, we’re redefining the essence of IT services to emphasize true partnership and business alignment.
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Modern businesses may run on data, but thriving businesses are transformed by it.
Try the prep exercises in our “Driving Data Centricity” guide and kickstart your data metamorphosis today.
Freely unleashed and constantly transmitted, data holds the key for businesses to reimagine operations, disrupt industries, and unlock new realms of growth – if inaction, mismanagement, and cyber criminals don’t get in the way first.
Download “Driving Data Centricity: An Act-Now Guide for Smart Business Leaders” for immediate steps you can take to position and protect your business for a data-savvy evolution.
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Few business developments have generated more justified market frenzy than the rise of data. And considering the success of data-centric businesses like Amazon, Netflix, Uber, and AirBnB – all of which use data to personalize user experiences, anticipate demand, and optimize their operations and pricing – it’s not hard to see why.
But data centricity isn’t reserved for tech giants and large corporations. It’s a mindset and context-shift that you can tailor for your unique business needs and goals.
Whether you’re motivated by making your supply chain operations more efficient, giving your customers better experiences, or uncovering new revenue streams, embracing a data-centric strategy can equip you with the insights and agility you need to achieve all these objectives.
Accurate or not, most businesses would probably say they are, or want to be, data-driven – that they’re able to use data and analytics to make decisions.
Data-centric businesses, by contrast, have a more robust relationship with data. They place data at the core of their operations and build their technologies, systems, and processes around a unified data model.
Being data-centric –
According to the IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2024, 32% of all cybersecurity incidents they observed in 2023 involved data leaks and thefts – a significant increase from 19% in 2022. With cybercriminals honing their data skills and the prevalence of infostealing and data exfiltration attacks increasing, taking a wait-and-see approach around anything to do with your data is a losing proposition.
Running your business as a data-centric enterprise ensures you know exactly what data you have – so you can prioritize and protect it accordingly. Yes, data is a cybersecurity issue, but it’s not only an IT responsibility. Continuing to operate without acting on this important difference puts your entire organization at risk.
Improve decision-making with IT solutions that surface new insights, enable transparency, and create competitive differentiation.
Protect data against unexpected loss or corruption and ensure prompt restoration of critical info & systems.
Safeguard computers, networks, and data while strengthening your compliance response with robust IT solutions and services.